Continuous Improvement

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Enterprise Excellence Ireland 2019

We are very excited to be attending the Enterprise Excellence Ireland Event in Croke Park on May 22nd.This event will bring together over 700 Lean Managers from the European, Japanese and Irish business community to openly discuss the implementation of Lean management systems within their facilities & organisations. Over 32 International & National keynote speakers will provide delegates with an insight into the management philosophy that pursues the continuous elimination of waste in all business processes though the journey of Lean Management and incremental improvement. Read More

Ornua – Achieving Operational Success through Maturity Assessments

Barry O’Brien of the Leading Edge Group, recently evaluated 5 different Ornua sites on their pathway to Operational Excellence through adopting our Continuous Improvement Maturity Model (CIMM). We support the on-going assessment of individual Ornua sites against best practice OpEx criteria, outlining a trackable roadmap for each site. Read More

Continuous Improvement at the City of Mississauga – 2018 Award Winners

Leading Edge Group is delighted to announce that the City of Mississauga has been selected as the winner of our International Continuous Improvement Excellence Award for 2018. This award is presented annually and was established to recognize excellence across an organization in adopting a sustainable culture of continuous improvement. Read More

Continuous Improvement Survey

Attention of Continuous Improvement Managers: We are currently undertaking an international survey on the systems deployed in managing your continuous improvement programs. Read More

How Lean Training Can Revolutionise the Construction Industry

Qualified Lean Green Belt Cohort receiving their Certificates. In January 2017 DPS Cork Operations as part of its CPD Internal Training Programme embarked on a Lean Construction Training Programme in association with Training Consultants Leading Edge Group and Enterprise Ireland. Read More

Introducing Continuous Quality Improvement to Community Based Organizations

The Leading Edge group recently partnered with the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA) with a view to bringing continuous quality improvement methodologies to community based organizations across Canada. The partnership has allowed us to provide webinars and improvement workshops to participants who wish to know more about quality improvement and how to grow problem solving methodologies within their organizations. On the morning of October 2nd 2017, a fully subscribed webinar was hosted by the CCA in Toronto and generated many good questions from the participants. With over 160 people signed up, we needed to check our technology was up for the job! Read More

Empower your Staff Through Continuous Learning

We exist in a time where the pace of change is faster than before. Keeping up with the rapidly changing world means employees need to learn continuously if they are to fulfil their roles and business objectives successfully. Thus, to have a competent and agile workforce, it is essential for organizations to empower, encourage, motivate and invest in continuous learning of its employees. Read More

What is Organizational Culture?

Organizational Culture is the sum of the systems, processes, values, beliefs and behavior of the organization. In short, it is the way things are done in the organization and the way its employees behave. The culture of an organization is also its DNA, an element complex enough to both control and define the organization’s identity. Organizational culture can be likened to an iceberg as it has both observable and invisible elements as explained below. Read More

Make Everything Visual For All To See and Learn

  What is Visual Management? It is the use of visual aids (displays, metrics and controls) to make operational standards visible. This enhances understanding of information being communicated to the staff thus making it easy for them to follow instructions, meet organizational objectives and contribute to organizational success. Read More