Continuous Improvement in your organisation

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Continuous Quality Improvement in Public Health

The latest consultation document for Ontario Public Health units of February 2017, highlights the need for an emphasis on Continuous Quality Improvement across all programs. The need for CQI is required in order to ensure Public Health Practice is transparent, responsive to current and emerging evidence and based on continuous quality improvement Read More

Empowering the Front Line through Continuous Improvement

Most organizations depend heavily on the human factor. Hospitals for example employ frontline workers who provide routine and essential services such as food services, administration, housekeeping and outpatient care. Frontline workers constitute 50 percent of the health care workforce, making them a key part of the health care system. It’s not only hospitals who employ frontine workers, manufacturing and service based companies do too. For this reason, frontline workers form an organization’s backbone and are the vehicle to meeting customer needs. Thus, to build a successful organization management and/or owners must empower, encourage, motivate and involve their frontine workers in their continuous improvement programs. After all, frontine workers are the ones doing the work every day thus they know a company’s processes better than anyone. Read More