Leading Edge Group

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Opinion: Irish SMEs face a once in a generation challenge irrespective of what form Brexit takes

Joe Aherne,CEO of Leading Edge Group in Cork, suggests that SMEs need to make significant productivity gains and that Brexit, in whatever form it eventually takes, poses a once in a generation challenge for small business.  While the media focus has been firmly trained on the growing probability of a hard Brexit, the fact remains that the UK’s departure from the EU represents bad news for Irish business regardless of how it comes about. Read More

Lean for Law Firms?

Many professions today are faced with a fundamental shift in their environment, where the bar is continually being set higher. Higher quality is expected with… Read More

General Industry Lean Belt Certification

Drive change and transformation across your organization We help organizations to develop and enhance a culture of continuous improvement through online Lean belt training programs. Developed and delivered… Read More

Performance Measures Training

This training supports the development and effective use of performance measures across the organization to better assess, manage and evaluate the performance and value of… Read More

Online Lean Healthcare Belt Programs

Drive change and transformation across your healthcare organization with our online Lean belt training programs, specifically designed for the entire health sector. We help health service organizations to develop and enhance a culture of continuous improvement through online Lean belt training programs specifically designed for the entire health sector.Developed and delivered by Lean Healthcare experts, our online programs are suitable for health professionals at all levels, across all functions.If you’re not sure what program is most suitable for you, please contact our Program Director. Read More